How to: Nine - Patch Picnic Quilt
Hiiiiiiiii! Whew, is it almost September somehow? I’m pretty sure it was just Spring and then all of a sudden summer is coming to an end. In any case, I’m really excited to share my newest blog series over on We All Sew.
When I made my first nine-patch quilt, the post on socials blew up… like, BIG. People were messaging asking for details on how to make the quilt and it was finally enough for me to sit down and write it all out.
Now, I know what you’re thinking… a nine-patch quilt is no biggie. And you’re right! Constructions of this baby is quick and painless. The key here is that I also walk you through my thought process for pairing up fabrics for that perfect balance between scrappy and planned.
I won’t ruin too many surprises, head on over to We All Sew for part one to learn more and keep an eye out for the next two posts.